Language, Music & Leadership.
We want to equip and empower the Ambonese with skills and personal development for a better Ambon.
The Ambonese have a need to speak English fluently if they are serious about promoting Ambon as a place of tourism and as "The City of Music".
*This project is pending because of Covid-19 pandemic.

Equip and empower the Ambonese with skills and personal development for a better Ambon.

Mama Yohanna Yozefina is the name of our Founder's mother. Our founder, Abraham Manusama and Dianne Manusama have a heart for the building of the next generation of Ambonese. The Ambonese have a lot of potential and great skills, yet Ambon is known as one of the poorest provinces in Indonesia.
Kehidupan Indonesia's team met the Governor of Ambon and his team, to share about this project and all of them were excited and ready to see this project happen.